February is a particularly challenging month for me . . . last week marked the passing of my beloved brother Tony and today the passing of my sweet Mommy Olivia . . . she is forever in my heart!
Children are born from your heart, my mommy Olivia would say. We love them, even when we don’t understand them, we love them anyway.
We don’t make ourselves. We don’t get to choose our genes, or even our early conditioning. We just do the best we can. Please don’t judge.
Be kind, it doesn’t hurt and it helps. Smile at someone who needs a smile. They probably need it more than you know. Be a friend to someone who needs a friend. Be a good person, good deeds and kind words will keep you warm at night.
Human-beings make mistakes. Forgive those who have offended you and let go. Don’t hold them, or yourself, a prisoner to hurt and resentment. Remember you are human too. Forgive yourself and thank God.
Be generous with things, but most of all with your love. Don’t be afraid to express love often and with affection. Give hugs and kisses, blow kisses if you have to. They always land in the heart. And don’t be afraid to cry, wail if you need to, your heart needs to breathe too.
Find joy in the happiness of others. If you share in their happiness, instead of envying it, it can give you joy too. The more joy we have and the more joy we share the more joy there is for all of us.
Remember what is important; not work, money, property, the opinion of others, only one thing matters – the people you love. Make the time you think you do not have to make love a priority in your life. This is the only thing in the end you will regret not doing.
But, love God first and foremost. Remember that you are never alone. You were born from the heart of God. He will always carry you and hold you.
Finally, remember that you are beautiful, blessed and your life has purpose. Your purpose is love.
From Mommy Olivia with Love